Wednesday 15 April 2020

15th April 2020: Corornavirus Day 31

There's been a significant slow down in commitment to recording our current, very limited life.  Somehow it's difficult to summon up the energy.  It's 9.15 in the morning and I'm sitting at my laptop, which is now permanently on the kitchen table.  Early on there was a decision to move my 'work station' out of the study that Peter and I share.   I didn't rationalise it to myself at the time, but it's been a good move.   It means we are not on top of each other all day. 

There's a constant stream of messages coming in on the Pottery What'sApp group which is a combination of the Wednesday and the Friday classes and the tutor is putting up pottery YouTube clips for us to watch and a newsletter.  It's a very brave attempt to keep people interested, but mine is waning.  I had thoughts of going back to pottery in the autumn term after taking the summer term off, but the newspaper is suggesting that social isolation for over 70s may go on for a long while.   Not a message to cheer us up.

Nothing in the news is cheering at the moment.  A terrible death toll in care homes, not counted in the official figures, though heaven knows why.  The cartoon in the Guardian today is entitled: 'At last, a plan for social care'  and shows a giant roll of government branded black bin bags. We have a blustering government treating the pandemic as a 'war' and constantly trotting out inappropriate metaphors. Their inefficiency is highlighted daily. There's a myth going round that G5 causes the virus and arsonists are destroying G5 phone masts.  We laugh at 'simple' folk in other countries and their misguided beliefs and it's reminded me that we have plenty of nutters of our own.  And in the US Trump is threatening to withdraw funding from the World Health Organisation and generally behaving like a deranged despot. 

We did some good in the past few days.  On our almost daily trip round Gill's garden we helped her by working out how to assemble her new garden table. And yesterday we worked out why her television wasn't working, much to her delight. All managed at a distance.  I have also added a long list of groceries to my Waitrose order for Caroline, some items for Ros and a few things for Gill.  The bill this week will be over £200!  We have a colour coded list so that when we unpack we can sort the groceries into new bags for collection at the back gate! 

The garden gets greener by the day and I've planted lots of seeds in pots and seed trays.  Apparently growing things is of benefit to well being!   Let's hope so.  

9.40am.  Time to get dressed! 

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