Tuesday 18 June 2024

Girona, Spain

The apartment
 We flew to Girona from Stanstead on 13th May 2024. There was no problem finding the street we were directed to by the rental company, Flatelli, or opening two key safes to obtain the flat keys, but finding no. 7 was more difficult.  One guarded the bags while the other went up and down the road checking house numbers.  No. 7 proved illusive until the man in the book shop suggested we look round the corner in the next street.  Lo and behold!  The second challenge was to open the front door which took several goes every tine we went out and came back.  Despite these small niggles, the flat was very good and so was the location.   

Dinner at La Simfonia
Dinner the first night was in a small restaurant called La Simfonia.  Next day we were out and about, dodging heaving rain.  We were taken aback by the crowds and then realised that they were taking the Flower Festival seriously and, armed with maps, were making the rounds of all the installations.  We started to do the same and then, to our disappointment, found that the recent drought in north east Spain had spoilt the production of flowers and some of them were PLASTIC!  We were frankly amazed!   We spent time wandering round the old city, visiting
 churches, the art museum and the Jewish Museum which was very impressive. 

We explored both sides of the river and enjoyed people watching from cafe tables.

Dinner at Draps on the second night was disappointing.  Although the menu looked good, they were only serving a 'Flower Festival Menu' and there was little choice. 

Spectcular trees in an otherwise bare park

Girona from the river

One day we took a bus to Figueras and went to the toy museum.  It was stuffed full of toys, all behind glass with nothing for a child to touch or 'do'.  Most odd. 

Toy Museum, Figueras

Dali Museum  The Dali museum was packed with tourist.  It was hard to move around or stand and look.  Every surface was covered with some 'art' work but no narrative or information.  We were not impressed and left shortly after arriving. 

Ruth in the botanic garden
Jardín Botánico Marimurtra
The best day out was to Blanes on the coast.  Again by bus.  We took a little tourist train to the exotic gardens.  It was a largely dry and warm day and the gardens were lovely.  We had lunch there and then hitched a lift back to Blanes in a taxi a German couple had managed to get when the tourist train failed to turn up! 

Peter in the botanic garden

Blue sky at last! 

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