Thursday 19 June 2014

What is it with cakes?

I always feel nervous when I set out to make a cake.  Although they often turn out alright and people say they like them,  they don't know about the failures.  I always regard success as something of a miracle.   So what goes wrong?  In the first place I don't always remember to add all the ingredients.  There have been times when I've put the cake in the oven and then spotted an essential ingredient sitting on the work surface.   I've been known to whip the cake out and try and stir in the forgotten item.  I recently made a batch of banana muffins without the sugar which were swiftly consigned to the bin.  And I had been so looking forward to them!

Then I don't seem to be able to humble myself enough to follow instructions! I think there must be a quicker or less complicated way to do something.

Well this morning, in anticipation of a friend for coffee and youngest son coming for supper tonight, I made an orange cake and counted out all the ingredients in advance and followed the instructions to the letter.  The cake rose and browned evenly and didn't burst out of it's crust like a volcano BUT, BUT I hadn't greased the tin sufficiently and it was a devil to get out in one piece!  Why, oh why, can't I get it 100% right?

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However, despite a few cracks round the edge, turned away from the camera, the cake tasted WONDERFUL.  Light and tangy and spongy!  I've cut one half off and wrapped it for son no. 3 to take away and I'm having a great deal of trouble not cutting just one more slice off the remainder!

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