Tuesday 5 November 2013

A telling off in Cartridge World

Took the printer cartridge in for a refill yesterday.  Courteous, serious man behind the counter.  When we have done with the pleasantries...asking after each other's health...I remove the cartridge from my carrier bag and explain that I need a refill.

Man:  What you have brought in here is the cartridge and the drum
Me: Oh, yes.  I didn't realise. (So?)
Man: Was the toner light coming on?
Me:  Yes, and I've given the cartridge a good shake...(see, I know what you're supposed to do...)
Man: This is the original cartridge that came with the printer
Me: That's right...
Man: They don't have much life in them.
Me: Yes, I know...
Man: Was the drum light coming on
Me: No (If the drum light was coming on I'd be talking about that...oh, never mind!)
Man: The drum should last longer than the cartridge but when the drum light comes on you will need to change it.
Me: Fine (thank you for telling me the obvious...)
Man: Here is your cartridge replacement
Me: Thank you (this is taking a long time)
Man: You should not have brought the drum in
Me: Oh? (now what!)
Man: Didn't you know they are light sensitive?  You are very lucky it's not sunny today, you could have completely ruined it.
Me: Thank you for telling me that...(thank you for making me feel small and a real idiot, but who knew? Did you ever read that in a handbook?)
Man: Your total today is $54.07
Me: Thank you...(hands over card)
Man: You saved $18 by coming into Cartridge World (but you don't deserve it!)
Me: Goodbye, thank you for your help, have a nice day (and book your place at charm school!)

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