Friday 3 January 2014

Back in College Station

The American odyssey, as Simon calls it, continues into 2014!

Our first task on getting up (at some ungodly hour of the morning) was to finish unpacking.  Then we tucked into our healthy porridge with cranberries before heading off to the local post office to collect our mail which they were keeping for us over the holiday.

Two little crates full have yielded some newsy Christmas cards, two copies of the Guardian weekly, some magazines, bank statements, unwelcome information from the tax man of the 'you owe me' variety and a pile of rubbish!   Not to mention three Christmas presents which were unhelpfully forwarded from Norwich, despite the labels on them saying "Do not direct Parcels/Packets abroad".   Oh well. 

Amongst the magazines was the consumer magazine Which?   I keep saying that we should cancel as we go for months without needing to consult it and, anyway, we also pay for full online access to reports.  Why is it so hard to break habits?  Anyone want any back copies?

Now I'm staring at the Christmas presents and wondering how much my mistake is going to cost me.  One of the gifts is a whetstone...and it's very heavy!

Talking of Christmas, the addition of cranberries to our porridge is delicious and before we left, the supermarket shelves were heaving with them.  When I went back today for my first US shop of 2014, they had disappeared.  Where do they go to?  I opted for blueberries instead.  Incredibly expensive!  That's what happens when something is declared a super food!

The supermarket at 9.45 this morning was virtually empty.  It was uncanny.  I kept turning into aisles with no one in them.  Was it some kind of holiday? 

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