Wednesday 8 October 2014

Bradley speaks!

No water aerobics this morning so I had time to do a lot of homework and tackle the pile of ironing.  Life must go on.  It isn't all beer and skittles!

Outside the language school as we were waiting to go in (it's a small operation - an office, a classroom and a store room/loo and they don't open up until the class starts) I plucked up the courage to speak to Bradley and asked him what he thought of the lessons.  His feeling echoed mine that Jean goes on for too long, elaborating on a single topic and there isn't enough talking by us.  This was also confirmed by Lorena later as we walked down to the corner together.  She did a lot of talking today in an effort to get conversation going, but it didn't quite do the trick and turned into a monologue as Jean didn't take the hint and encourage others to talk.   Well he does, but he tends to ask us for cultural comparisons (English people don't kiss each other do they...) which are a bit tedious because no one wants to make generalisations.  Apart from this moan, I'm  learning a lot although I may get indigestion if I can't regurgitate some of the stuff I'm taking to speak! 

Anyway, speaking to Bradley before the class started seemed to have loosened him up and he asked quite a lot of questions and spoke with much more confidence today.  And he admired my earings!!!  So he's my favourite fellow student at the moment.

After 'school' I got my trolley out and went shopping.  Tonight we are having spaghetti with clams preceded by an octopus salad!  Very fishy!

Octopus salad starter
Here's the octopus and here's the pile of shells from the spaghetti.  I forgot to take a photograph before we started eating!
The remains!

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