Sunday 5 October 2014

Sunday newsflash!

All is not lost.  I took a tour round the immediate neighbourhood straight after breakfast and found a supermarket open.  Not the best, but it had all the essentials.  I also found 'osso bucco de dinde' a pack of turkey leg pieces cut across through the bone which should make a very nice, healthy casserole. The cheese shop on the corner is also open and although I understood only 1 word in 5, I bought a piece of conté cheese and a chaource.  Baguette, cheese and tomato.  Lunch is sorted! 

When I got back to the flat I found a note from Peter.  "Meet you at the market at 12.00".  Absolutely hopeless!  How does he think we are going to find each other in a teeming street market!  More later...


Well, the market is fantastic.  Fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, game, paté, cheese, you name it.  Crowded of course and the best stalls have queues.   Lesson 1.  Wait in the queue where there is one.  There's a reason why some stalls have no queues!   I went out, optimistically without a coat, but the weather has turned and I came home, cold, without waiting to meet Peter.  Fortunately he phoned from the metro.  I had visions of him scouring the market for hours.

More discoveries this afternoon.  I have located the language school where I start tomorrow and also the swimming pool and I have the times for Aquagym in my diary!  We also found a little 'car boot' without the cars opposite the swimming pool.


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