Thursday 16 October 2014

What's been happening?

I hear you cry!

Well, perhaps not.  But I realise I've been silent for a few days.  Probably because not much out of the ordinary has happened.   The French course continues.  Everyone is getting slightly better bit by bit.  Yesterday was mostly talking instead of taking in a lot of new material so that provided a bit of a breathing space.  Poor old Jeremy from New York took a bashing.  Everyone complaining about the Americanisation of food and culture!   I learned a new word - MacDo - pronounced Mac-dough, though I probably won't be using it often.

Aquagym on Tuesday was crowded again.  It's amazing that people keep coming.  A very scruffy, surly man takes your money at the desk, another grumpy man who looks as though he's dressed for cleaning drains snatches your receipt from you about 5 steps away from the desk and once you get into the pool, the arrogant instructor leaning back in his chair, legs akimbo, demands another ticket.   I have yet to give the right ticket to the right person which ellicits much huffing and puffing.   What is it all about?  Rudeness as an art form?

I was all set to go again today and found a moody crowd at the door of the pool.  Closed for technical reasons.  Perhaps they were having a customer relations seminar?  While I was in the area I walked across the road to take a look at the fountain in the middle.  I've noticed people there with bottles and containers.  It's a well - a very deep well, which provides fresh, clean spring water delivered from several metres below ground, delivered through stainless steel spigots. 
Place Verlaine
I came back to the flat via the baker's (une petite tarte aux champignons pour déjourner) and the butcher's (500g de saucisse paysanne et une bonne tranche de paté de compagne pour le diner çe soir).  By contrast both the lady in the boulangerie and the butcher were smiley and polite.  I do like to be fair.

I wasn't too sorry about aquagym as we had a late night last night.  I took the metro to Peter's office.  He has the biggest and nicest office he has ever had!!  
The buck stops here! Notice the world map, for the domination thereof!
We had been invited to go out to dinner with a little dining club - a group of people from the office.  An Australian girl, a Finish girl, a girl from Japan and a girl from Lancaster and a man from the Netherlands who has a flat in the Barbican as well as his little pied à terre in Paris.   They go out once a month with whoever is in the office at the time (they all travel a huge amount).  We went to a restaurant called Juveniles. 

This is what one review says about it: 

Fabulously unpretentious wine bar run by a Scot, Tim Johnston. Extremely welcoming and is often filled with locals and Anglophones alike. No one at Juveniles is there to look chic and be spotted, the interest is far more focused on the delicious wine and simple, meaty menu.

Well, I was there to look chic....  The group from the office couldn't have been more friendly.  I don't think we would have chosen a restaurant with such an anglo slant (they had haggis on the menu and Lincolnshire poacher cheese) but the food was good and it was an excellent evening.

Sitting in the flat this morning, after my usual leisurely start, I began to wonder how I was going to meet anybody to create a little more variety in the week.  So I looked again at 'Meetup'.   I haven't yet found a meetup group that is active during the day.  There are a lot of groups for young people or evening activities.  So, I decided to have a go at starting one myself.  I know!  Incorrigible!   We shall see how many takers I get.  I'll keep you posted.

For sale.  One careful owner.
One last thing before I get my lunch ready...

Seen on the street this morning outside a restaurant that is being done up.  Clearly they have no further use for it.  Can you imagine! 

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