Sunday 5 October 2014

Foolish foreigners

We have woken up on our first Sunday living in France to the appalling discovery that the shops are closed on Sundays!!  Having got it into our heads that we were going to circumvent the lack of storage in the kitchen and the fridge by shopping almost daily for food, we had failed to take a account of Sunday closing.   No basics in the larder at all, something that will be dealt with on Monday.  In the meantime Peter is heading off to collect the keys to his new office from the outgoing Director and I shall take my trusty trolley and head for one of the nearby street markets in the hope that they are actually food markets as well.    I was hoping to avoid markets until my French had warmed up a little, but needs must!   If I am not successful we will have to eat out again!  Sigh!

PS We tried one of the many local restaurants last night.  It was run by elderly mother and son and got quite busy.  We had a table in the window so could observe the street get more and more animated as the evening went on.  Peter had: Assiette de saussice Alsatienne, brochette de boeuf avec pomme sauté and a side salad.  I had: soup de tomate, filet de bar (bass) and crumble de mangue et figues. 
Good honest food.  Nothing fancy, but Peter's beef was excellent.  Oh, and a modest small glass of wine each.

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