Saturday 4 October 2014

Monet and sugar free jam

Monet: Impression: Rising Sun
Today I discovered how to reach our nearest metro station and how to buy a carnet of tickets from the machine.  We took the metro to Musée Marmatton which has a collection of Monet paintings and a few other impressionists, including Berthe Morrisot who I like.   The special exhibition was of other artists and locations that contributed to the development of the style seen in this painting of the harbour at Le Havre. 

Afterwards we walked back in an easterly direction until we found a cafe and had lunch.   Then on for some way in search of a shop we had found on line that sells sugar free jam that Peter can enjoy with his morning baguette.   We bought cherry and strawberry jam at some exhorbitant price!   We came back by metro, dusty and footsore and fell on a cup of tea.

On our walk today we saw an interesting array of street art, including some fancy work with drain covers.

Some wall paintings:

And a wedding!
The butterfly emerges

Smothing and patting

The priest comes to assist with the veil
Just to prove...

...we are really in Paris

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