Friday 10 October 2014

Le weekend arrive

No 'school' today and I didn't feel like aquagym again as I got very little sleep last night.  I woke up at 2.30 am and was rehearsing French phrases for what seemed like hours!  So a very late start to the day and then a little light housework.  Nothing too strenuous!  And a load of washing and then a coffee and then short trip to the supermarket for basics and then my weekend homework.

We are on to the future and the conditional tenses having done quite a lot on the past (passé composé) and the imperfect.  Of course, we're supposed to understand all about the conjugation of verbs in our own language, but do we?  I know we did something called parsing at school, which was about breaking sentences up into their grammatical units but it was so boring I used to switch off!   That happened quite a lot at school - well, in your teens there are other things on your mind!  I remember a revision session just before an important Latin exam when I protested to the teacher that it was a bit late in the day to start teaching us  new material.  I was known to speak my mind!   She gave me one of the withering looks at which she excelled and told me that we had spent the previous term on this topic.  I glanced round at my class mates in astonishment and they shrugged their shoulders and wearily shook their heads!  I must have had a bad reputation. Anyway...I do remember some of the stuff about nouns and verbs and clauses but I don't remember much about tenses.   The French verb tables go on an on!  And then there are all the exceptions!  Aye, aye, aye!

Never mind out for dinner tonight!

Very nice antipasto (Italian restaurant)
Very nice pasta
Excellent wine
Delicious Tiramisu

And I've just ordered the turkey for Christmas!  OMG! 

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