Friday 3 October 2014

Settling in

Peter started the day at 7.0 am with a walk to the boulangerie on the corner for croissant and was back before I had had time to make the tea.  And very nice they were too.  Then off for to work for him and more sorting out and list making for me.  Armed with my trolley
Selfie with trolley reflected in Grandma's wardrobe
I set off along the Rue Tolbiac and into the Avenue d'Italie making for Monoprix as my best bet for coat hangers of which there are never enough.  It's a law of some sort!  Also purchased some little plastic boxes for stuff in the bathroom and a large beautiful looking lettuce to go with my omellete for lunch.  On my way I admired:
The baker on the corner

The butcher two doors up

Beautiful florist's
Also on my list were some sort of baking dish and a casserole, but couldn't find quite the right things in Monoprix.  Back at the flat I made salad and an omelette, marvelling at the yellowness of the eggs.  Afterwards a Greek yoghurt. Peter came back from the office after lunch, dragging the very large and heavy suitcase and we unpacked.  It seems strange to be unpacking thermal vests and thick tights which I expected to be wearing soon, but the weather is so warm that we are sitting now with all the windows wide open.  We did some more exploring locally after a restorative cuppa and found the sort of hardware store that sells everything.  We chose a cheap glass casserole which I can make a foil lid for and a serviceable bowl, also in glass, and a baking tray.  Then in and out of shops for wine, chicken, potatoes, carrots, salad, shoe cleaning materials, more hangers etc. etc.   We had a simple supper of roast chicken, new potatoes and steamed carrots, followed by salad.  I have to admit that most of the ingredients came from a supermarket but I will get more adventurous and use the little shops. A dear friend of mine, you know who you are, has commented on the number of references to food in this blog making out that I am obsessed in some way.  Of course I am!!!

The church nearby

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