Saturday 11 October 2014

Discovering more about the neighbourhood

This morning we demolished a baguette between us for breakfast and washed it down with coffee.  While Peter was clearing up I nipped down to the butcher's on the corner and waited in line.  I was in twelth position at the start.  I had spotted some short ribs of beef the other day which GF had recommended for a stew and they still had some.  I managed to ask for them, get the butcher to saw them in half for me and accepted a free marrow bone into the bargain without tripping over in French.  It took the butcher some time to decide how best to arrange the pieces of meat and the marrow bone in the parcel and in the end decided on two parcels which he then wrapped in a third piece of paper.

Champignons des bois
Meat in the fridge, we set off to walk along the Rue Tolbiac in a new direction and came to the street market.  It was much less busy than the market we went to last Sunday which was really hectic.  There were still queues but they were good natured and people actually spoke to us.  We bought some wild mushrooms for a risotto (ceps, chanterelles and champignons des bois)  and a few other bits of fruit and veg and a piece of cheese and a couple of bottles of wine.  We came back to the flat, unloaded the goodies and set off to find lunch. 
 We ate at a nearby cafe, strangely decorated with English 'graffiti' but the salads were very good. 

Then we made a sweeping tour of the neighbourhood south of the flat and found a little park where we soaked up the sunshine for a while before wandering home for a cup of tea.

Risotto aux champignons sauvages
Even though I say so myself, the risotto was delicious!

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